Labor or delivery is usually estimated at around 40 weeks' gestation. But, if the baby has not yet been born after the prediction date, there are several possible causes. One of the most frequent causes is having a first pregnancy. The predicted date of birth is a date that is estimated through several ways, such as the calculation of the first day of the last menstrual period (HPHT) and through an ultrasound examination conducted by a doctor. This prediction date is not an absolute thing, and the birth of a baby can occur outside the prediction date. Possible Causes of Baby Born After Prediction Date Babies born after the prediction date can be caused by an error when determining the first day of the last menstrual period. Some other things that cause babies born after the predicted date of labor are: First birth The fetus is male Pregnant women who are obese Never experienced the same situation before Problems with the placenta and fetus Risk of Birth past Predictio...
After the use of birth control is stopped, women will generally return to fertility and have the opportunity to become pregnant. However, not all women can get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control. But do not worry, because there are several ways to get pregnant quickly after birth control. There are two important factors that determine a woman will get pregnant slowly or quickly after birth control. The first factor is the condition of his body, and the second is the birth control method used. Various Obstacles to Pregnancy after birth control One of the conditions that can hinder your pregnancy after birth control is age. Women over the age of 40 will be more difficult to get pregnant, because the quality and number of eggs has decreased with age. In addition, a number of health problems or unhealthy lifestyles can also hamper pregnancy after birth control, for example suffering from certain diseases or menstruation is not smooth. These conditions will cause a dec...